Saturday, February 18, 2006

Spring 2006 Newsletter

You will perhaps remember that in August 2005 we wrote in our newsletter that we were considering selling Alaya House and moving to a smaller facility because of the huge expense of maintaining a place as large as this. We made a plea for donations, and you, students and friends of Ishvara, contributed generously. This show of support demonstrated to us that you see the value in Alaya House and all it represents: the Space, Ishvara's teachings, the residential community, and the retreat facility. We who are closely connected here are working very hard to keep Alaya House open, not easy in today's world of rising costs. We squeeze every penny, and so far we are making it. We sincerely thank you for your past support and urge you to continue giving what you can. For now, we are being and staying where we are.

It's time to make your reservation to attend the spring retreat with Ishvara. Scheduled at Alaya House for Saturday, April 29, from 9 am to 4 pm, the retreat will include talks by Ishvara, opportunities for questions and answers, as well as time for silence and contemplation. Alaya residents will provide lunch and snacks. For a perfect spring renewal, why not plan a personal retreat in conjunction with this one-day intensive? Contact us for more information and a personal retreat reservation form.

A retreat with Ishvara in the Space of Alaya House is an opportunity to deepen in the experience of being the unique aspect of Life that you are. In Ishvara's words, "The intellect will seldom perceive that something is happening. If you will move into feeling mode, you will feel 'happening', and it won't meet your intellectual expectations. The words are not it. It's the Space. It's the energy. It's that present awareness that really does the work. It's way beyond the intellect. And because the intellect would very quickly get bored with silence, we talk some, and fill the intellect with stuff, and that keeps it out of the way while the happening takes place."

While there is no fee for the retreat, we will be appreciative of your tax-deductible contribution in gratitude for Ishvara's gift and in support of his work. We have limited seating and few guest
rooms, so please reserve early.

Feeling-knowing is the moment-by-moment direct experience of The Consciousness that we are. It is awareness without doubt, not belief or intuition. Sometimes it can be difficult to access our feeling-knowing, especially when we are bombarded by the fear and conditioning of consensus reality. On these occasions, Ishvara's knowing can be especially helpful. "I will know for you," he says, "until you know for yourself." If you have a concern or a need that you would like to communicate to Ishvara, you may send it to him by mail at the address below, or email to He may not send a response to your communication, but you can rest in the knowledge that Ishvara is holding your concern in the transforming power of knowing.

Are you looking for a way to be of service to Ishvara? Would you like to see him on video each week in your area? Public Access Television (PATV) stations across the country make air time available to the public for broadcasting programs of interest. Alaya produces videos of Ishvara for this purpose, and we would like them to be seen in your city.

What's required is for a local resident to serve as "sponsor" or "local producer". This entails contacting your local PATV station and inquiring about their particular regulations. In many instances it's as simple as signing an agreement regarding day and time of broadcast and agreeing to be responsible for delivery and retrieval of the videos every two months. Other stations may require the sponsor to attend a brief class outlining the regulations and guidelines. Of course, we ship you the videos, and we are willing to reimburse you for the cost of shipping them back to us.

Contact us if you think you might like to help with this outreach project. We'll give you all the assistance we can. If perchance you have never seen a video of Ishvara, let us know and we'll send one for you to review.

Have you visited the Alaya store at our website lately? We offer video tapes, audio tapes, CDs, and Ishvara's book. We add new audio and video titles every quarter (marked "new" on the site map). These teaching items are offered to enhance your understanding of the knowings which Ishvara brings to the world.

Life is calling for a new way of being. In this message, "Creating the New Being", Ishvara explains this and gives suggestions for making it so.

Be where you are. Be who you are. Wherever you are, start from there, and see what happens.

Activities At Alaya® House

Inspired Talk: Sunday 11 am
Q & A: Tuesday & Thursday 6 pm
Morning Tea with Ishvara & Residents: Mon. thru Sat. 7 am
Intensive Retreats: last Saturday in April & October
Volunteer Opportunities: ongoing
Ishvara on TV in Santa Fe: Sunday 9 pm, Cable Channel 16

For Those Outside Our Area

Weekly Message by Terry Grant (email or snail mail)
Audio and Video Tapes of the Month: by subscription
Website: includes audio clips & on-line store
Personal Residential Retreats: by reservation
Intensive Retreats: last Saturday in April & October
Public Access TV Programs (where available)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What's New With Alaya

We will be adding chicks to our chicken contingent in march 2006. we are now preparing a "chick house" for them. We will raise them separately until they are old enough to fend for themselves with the older chickens.